FOR cancer


A situation can arise at this time that makes you very angry now and you may feel the need to be somewhat destructive as a result. You will have very little regard for others peoples possessions now and be careful in your choice of sexual partners especially now, as sexual diseases can be transmitted.

If you happen to be involved with someone has a need to ruin another person, have no part of it. Mismanagement of funds can easily occur, so keep careful track of your spending.

Agreements reached now will not be equitable now and confrontations of the ego are likely to develop. Sarcasm is present in everyone around you and in an abundant supply. Secret investigations can begin under this transit and suspicions attitudes can easily aries in yourself and others. Spies can be around you who do not have your best interests at heart and secret communications can between people can occur.

Nasty remarks should be avoided at all costs and the sexual demon can rear his/her head. You may hear of the death of someone as well at this time.

The danger of this transit is forcing your point of views on others and compulsive thinking that can cause your own undoing as well. This is a very difficult time for business, so do not enter into any contracts or agreements until after this transit ends. Danger will be present through travel, so put off any trips for another time that is more favorable.

Misunderstandings with others can easily occur, so don't persist in having the last word when speaking with others. Don't depend on others to come through when you need them, no matter how reliable they may have been at other times.

False accusations can be made by young persons or students and there won't be any winners in debates at this time. Beware of telling others what is wrong with them, they will not appreciate it. Conditions are right for fraud and unethical people can be found among the public. Insist on valid credentials from anyone you deal with now and avoid people who employ brainwashing techniques. This is also a good time to avoid people trying to sell you anything over the phone.

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